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金融科技 顾问

Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson

Atlanta, New York

Global Lead

Eric Anderson, based in Atlanta and New York, serves as the Global Co-Head of the Technology and Communications Practice. 阅读更多

Fiona Cai

Fiona Cai

香港, 上海

蔡晓璐是亿康先达金融服务行业的大中华区联合负责人,常驻香港和上海,活跃于高管继任规划、领导力发展及高 阅读更多

Benno Jaeggi

Benno Jaeggi


Benno Jaeggi, based in Hong Kong, is a core member of Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services practice with a particular focus on Banking, Markets and… 阅读更多

Lydia Tang

Lydia Tang


Lydia Tang, based in Hong Kong, is active in Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services practice focusing on Insurance, Asset and Wealth Management… 阅读更多

Burcu Bicakci

Burcu Bicakci


Based in Singapore, Burcu Bicakci has spent her career helping companies and their leaders succeed in the digitizing world. 阅读更多

Edmund Siah

Edmund Siah


Ed Siah, based in Singapore and the current Global Co-Head Financial Services, is an authority on financial services and CEO succession planning in… 阅读更多

Norihisa Nakamura

Norihisa Nakamura


Norihisa Nakamura is active in Egon Zehnder’s Technology & Communications, Health, and Industrial practices. Based in Tokyo… 阅读更多

Rahul Rana

Rahul Rana

New Delhi

Rahul Rana, based in New Delhi, leads Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services Practice in India and is a core member of the Fintech practice in Asia. 阅读更多

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta


Gaurav Gupta, based in Bangalore, leads the firm’s Technology & Communications Practice in India and is also active in the Industrial and Services… 阅读更多

Raed Kanaan

Raed Kanaan

Middle East Office Leader

Raed Kanaan is the Managing Partner of Egon Zehnder Middle East. He shares his deep financial and business expertise as an advisor with government… 阅读更多

Imran Saleem

Imran Saleem

Middle East

Imran Saleem has been in the region since 2006 and with Egon Zehnder in the Middle East for over 16 years. 阅读更多

Ron Saxena

Ron Saxena


Ron Saxena leads Egon Zehnder’s Financial Services practice in the Asia Pacific Region. He advises international financial services businesses… 阅读更多

Nick Steiner

Nick Steiner


Nick Steiner leads Egon Zehnder’s Digital, Technology and Communications practice in the Asia Pacific region… 阅读更多

Murat Yesildere

Murat Yesildere


Murat Yesildere, based in Istanbul, provides a full range of services from executive search and board consulting to management appraisals… 阅读更多

Constantin Fechner

Constantin Fechner


Based in Berlin, Constantin Fechner is active in Egon Zehnder’s Board and Leadership Advisory, Technology & Communications and Sports practices. 阅读更多

Sven Michaelis

Sven Michaelis


Sven Michaelis, based in Hamburg, leads Egon Zehnder’s Technology Officers Practice in Germany and has deep expertise in semiconductors, the Internet… 阅读更多

智识与洞见 | 金融科技

Börsen Zeitung — Banks and the Transformation Process: Creating Space for Constant Change

Börsen Zeitung — Banks and the Transformation Process: Creating Space for Constant Change

In a byline article in Germany’s Börsen-Zeitung newspaper for the financial sector, Birgit Storz and Christian Redhardt consider the question of whether we still… 阅读更多

Helping Millenials Plan for the Future or RoboAdvisor Start-ups Looking for Validation?

Helping Millenials Plan for the Future or RoboAdvisor Start-ups Looking for Validation?

On Thursday night, a friend of the Firm rang me for advice on taking an offer to become the CMO of a promising fintech… 阅读更多

Who Will Shape Mobile Payments? Talent Will Tell

Who Will Shape Mobile Payments? Talent Will Tell

Networked devices. Ubiquitous connectivity. Cloud computing. Social networks. Near Field Communication… as powerful forces combine to connect nearly everyone to practically everything, Payments will… 阅读更多

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